Braids in Glasgow. I didn't really know much about them apart from
my boyfriend telling me they were really good.
So pretty much they were totally incredible. I have fallen in love
with this band. It was one the most impressive performances I have
seen in ages. They do a lot of looping and all four of them have
a lot of responsibility, they are not just playing one instrument.
Everything was perfect, they obviously work very very hard.
I also loved them even more because they had amazing style. I know
that a lot of people wouldn't like to admit this but it definitely
helps a band if they look cool. Its the visual aspect, if your ears
are being pleased its nice if your eyes are too. I don't mean that
they need to be attractive, I just think it creates more of an identity
if you can tell a bit about them from their style.
I didn't take any photos but I did take a wee note of what
one of the girls was wearing. She looked really good.
Brown ankle boot with white lace ankle socks, a mauve/camel
long linen skirt, black and white abstract vest, red woollen
granny cardigan with pearl buttons, curly dishevelled black
hair and no make up.